The Struggle of the Job Search
Job seekers: I don’t know exactly how you feel, but I can relate by remembering my own experience.
➡ I remember the sheer emotional exhaustion of the full time job search.
➡ I remember how it stung every time I opened my email to find a rejection message.
➡ I remember the excitement of finally landing an interview, only to be ghosted afterward.
➡ I remember meticulously tracking every application on a spreadsheet, then giving up after about 500 because it seemed beyond futile.
➡ I remember wondering if there was something wrong with me or my resume or the market or my LinkedIn profile or my lack of certifications.
➡ I remember seriously contemplating pursuing another career path, going back to school, or even moving back in with my parents.
➡ I remember because I went through two unexpected job losses in a two year span of time as a recently divorced mother living in a rural area. During the pandemic.
It was stressful, to say the least.
An experience like that can change a person.
It certainly changed me.
The near constant rejection, while painful at first, ultimately made me stronger and more confident in who I am and what I have to offer.
My time away from work gave me an opportunity to assess what is really important and how I want to show up in this world.💡
And one day, upon the urging of a friend, I decided to use my time to create.
I quickly learned that creation can open a lot of doors.
And ultimately, I created a job for myself.If I can do this, so can you.
⭐ Here is my super simple strategy to get started with content creation:
✅ Get clear on your passion and where you can add value (research ikigai if you need more help figuring this out).
✅ Start creating content using a medium that makes sense for you. For me, it was video because I like to talk 😊 . I started a YouTube channel.
✅ Keep going and be consistent. You probably won’t notice anything life-changing for a while, but I knew I was on the right track based on the feedback I was getting from strangers.
✅ Share with others. LinkedIn is a great place to start. Build your network. This is where it comes to life.
❓ Where are you in your job search? What challenges are you facing? Have you considered creating content?