How to Manage Difficult Stakeholders

Sometimes my strongest stakeholder relationships are the ones where something goes wrong in the beginning.

That initial rough patch is almost like a qualifying period.

Has this happened to you?

➡ Maybe it’s a misunderstanding of project requirements. 

➡ Or a mistake that didn’t get communicated.

➡ Or a flat-out personality clash.

➡ Or misguided frustration.

Whatever the case, you start off on the wrong foot and wonder if the project (or even your job!) is worth the 6 months of enduring this difficult person. 🙉

I’ll be honest, I have lost sleep over these situations.

I’ve even gone so far as to question my career choice.

But what I learned is that while these situations can be stressful in the moment, the initial turmoil typically dies down once the stakeholder learns they can trust you.

And relationships built on trust are strong! 💪🏻

🥇 Here’s how you can help build that trust:

⭐ Communicate early and often. 
⭐ Deliver information with clarity and honesty.
⭐ Always take the high road - do not lose your temper.  
⭐ Listen intently and summarize their thoughts so they know you understand.
⭐ Find a common interest outside of work to lighten conversations and create connection (maybe you both like pickleball or playing Sims or flying your drone on the weekend).

With all that being said, if the person is bullying you or behaving in ways that go beyond “difficult stakeholder”, then it’s time for some boundaries. Talk to your manager and figure out a strategy to move forward.

❓ Have you experienced a difficult stakeholder? How did you handle the situation?


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