6 Signs You are on the Right Track in Life

Signs you are on the right track:

(Things I've noticed from my own experience)

>> People start to come to you for advice.
>> You no longer seek validation from others.
>> Calm confidence replaces chaotic self-doubt.
>> Your focus is on solutions rather than problems.
>> You begin to intuitively know what decisions to make.
>> Feedback and criticism don't stop you, even if they are negative.

Ways you can encourage this growth:

>> Identify your North Star.
>> Surround yourself with positive, growth-minded people.
>> Fill your feed and feed your mind with content that educates and encourages.
>> Audit your life, cultivate healthy habits and get rid of the stuff that leaves you feeling empty.

Most of all, keep going. No one is perfect, do your best everyday and that's enough.

Practice makes better, after all. 💫

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