How I Quality Check All of my Content
I can't tell you how many pieces of content I have written and deleted.
>> Because it wasn't helpful.
>> Because it wasn't relevant to my audience.
>> Because it was basically a rant for selfish purposes 🙊.
I realize not every piece of content I write will be for everyone, but at the same time I have a serious commitment to show up from a place of authentic generosity.
Wondering how I keep that agreement with myself?
Here are some questions I ask before hitting the post button, and if you're thinking about creating content, they might help you, too:
>> Does this content read like something I would say in real life?
>> Does this content accurately represent my brand and my values?
>> Does this content offer something beneficial to the reader (education/helpful information, inspiration, connection)?
>> Will future me be pleased with the words I wrote and sent out into this world?
Again, I don't always get it right, but I sure try. 💫
❓ If you create content, what are some of your rules for posting?