Shift Your Mindset to Get Things Done!

I used to spend a large portion of my time trying to avoid any of the following:

❌ Sending messages that have typos.
(omg the horror if people were to learn I'm NOT PERFECT!!)

❌ Asking a "dumb" question.
(omg what if people think I'm stupid!!)

❌ Being anything but uber cooperative and "nice."
(omg what if people think I'm a bad person!!)

...until one day I realized a focus on that stuff wasn't getting me where I wanted to be.

So I shifted my priorities.

Where I choose to spend my energy now:

✅ Setting clear expectations and being firm with my boundaries so that people can get the most out of their interactions with me, and vice versa.

✅ Reaching out, raising my hand, and building relationships with people so that we can make things happen and get things done together.

✅ Being unapologetic about my mission. Knowing when to walk away from one thing, and when to walk toward something else.

I'm curious to know, have you recently shifted your focus? Where and why? How has it helped?

Need help navigating a tricky project or your wear-all-the-hats startup position? Head over to my Services page to book a 15-minute chat!


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