Keep Going, it Gets Better :)

💫 When I was in high school I wanted to be a writer.

❌ I was disappointed when my English teacher returned my paper marked in red with feedback saying  “you have a long way to go.”

💫 When I was in my 20s I wanted to be a successful business person.

❌ I was crushed when the dream job I had moved halfway across the country for was eliminated in the 2008 recession.

💫 When I was in my 30s I wanted to be a perfect wife and mother.

❌ I was leveled when my marriage ended in divorce and I was faced with starting over.

Life can be hard. No sugar coating it there.

But, as I’m nearing the end of my 30s,  I can finally look back with gratitude for all of it.

Happy, sad, exciting, painful -  these are the moments that led to my self-discovery and growth.

I recognize the truth is:

💡 I did have a long way to go with my writing. I still do.

Those words written in red, while painful to my sensitive soul, were meant to push me forward.

💡 I don’t need to have a spotless resume to be successful.

Since that moment in 2008, I’ve experienced two more unexpected job losses, but these circumstances have led me to opportunities better than I could have imagined.

💡 I may be divorced and my life may be a far cry from the Norman Rockwell painting I envisioned, but it certainly doesn’t stop me from being a loving mother and welcoming beautiful new ideas of what family means.

Are you going through a difficult season?

Keep going, it gets better. ☀


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