Kayla McGuire

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How I leveraged every asset I could

I was a new single mom when I was laid off from my tech startup job.

This experience rocked me to my core and left me forever changed.

While I went on to land another full time role, I never felt the same about my 9-5 again.

I knew my job could disappear in an instant. There was nothing owed to me.

So I began hustling to build.

I leveraged every asset I could:

➡️ My home: rented out half of my property on Airbnb.

➡️ My time: created original content to build an audience on YouTube and through my blog.

➡️ My experience: started moonlighting as a freelance project manager, while simultaneously building my skills and learning what people really needed. And this time, when job loss struck again, I was ready. 💪

We are led to believe security lies in landing a dream job and working really hard to receive a paycheck every two weeks.

But that's not the truth. There are no guarantees.

Security lies within yourself.

Do you trust yourself to provide? Do you trust yourself to know the way?