Share what you want to share
You can be open without sharing it all.
You can be authentic while still remaining private.
Even though I show up to share a little with you everyday, there is still plenty you don't know.
Stuff like:
My dog's name
My side hustles
Where I volunteer
What I watch on tv
Who my clients are
Whether or not I date
What I do in my free time
Where I go on the weekend
My political and religious views
What my evening meals look like
The list goes on...
Sure, you may know that I went through a rough divorce, navigated some layoffs, and now I'm a single mom with a business.
But, newsflash: A lot of people have similar experiences, which is precisely why I talk about that stuff here!
I write about these things not because my history needs attention, but because it's through our shared understanding of the human experience that we meaningfully connect. We relate to each other through our stories and feelings.
And I'm here to tell you that it is entirely possible to put yourself out there, create genuine connections, and still remain private about the things you want to keep to yourself.
Share what you want to share.
That's how this works. 💫