Watch Out for Red Flags

Bad behavior might be normal for an organization, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy.

➡ It’s probably an unhealthy work environment when:

🚩 Your manager takes credit for your ideas.

🚩 Your manager is ALWAYS too busy to meet with you.

🚩 You get a pit in your stomach at the thought of another workday.

🚩 You are repeatedly excluded from conversations when you should be included.

🚩 You are given an unexpected poor performance review with no feedback on how to improve.

🚩 You are told limiting messages about yourself from higher ups such as “you aren’t leadership material.”

No organization is perfect, but when you’re working with people who check off more than one of these boxes on the regular, then that’s a red flag.

➡ If you are in an unhealthy work environment but you aren’t ready to move on, here are some things you can start doing now to protect yourself and your mental health:

✅ Document your contributions. 
✅ Document inappropriate behavior.
✅ Do things that bring you joy outside of work.
✅ Listen to podcasts or read books about leadership.
✅ Find support outside of work (family, mental health provider, etc.).

❓ Have you been in an unhealthy work environment? What red flags am I missing here? How did you cope?


Founders: Are you making excuses?


Be Careful! Don’t Set Yourself Up for Failure