There was a time in my life when everything felt both out of control and incredibly urgent
There was a time in my life when everything felt both out of control and incredibly urgent.
All things considered, my life at the time was pretty good on paper:
✅ Physical health
✅ Married with a beautiful home
✅ Two full time jobs with benefits
✅ Money to save and go on vacations
But yet I ruminated and I worried.
What if one of us loses our job?
What if the houses catches on fire?
What if I get in an accident and lose my health?
Even the thought of a gray hair or wrinkle would throw me into a tailspin (I fretted: "should I make an appointment for botox? or maybe plastic surgery?" 🤨).
It took losing all of that stuff on paper to realize my control was completely misplaced and that my default approach (fear and worry) actually didn't help.
This was a hard lesson for a type A project manager who thrived on "perfection" and, admittedly, controlling tactics.
As it turns out, I learned the list of things I can control is quite short, yet powerful:
⭐ My thoughts.
⭐ My actions.
⭐ The values I hold.
⭐ And where I choose to place my trust.
I may not be able to control every single outcome, but I can control how I feel about them. I can control how I react. I can control if I want to use my experiences for growth or for negativity.
I've learned this mindset is a choice. And while it's work to check myself to make sure I don't fall back into my old patterns, it's worth it.
And I can truly say, life is so much more enjoyable these days.
It's better when you let go. 💫
❓ Do you have experience with control and letting go?
How are you are working on it?