Take inspired action to build your business

The words you read here probably aren’t life-changing.

But the work you do because of their inspiration could be.

👉 It’s up to you.

A lot of us here write about things that have helped us. Stuff we learned the hard way or insights we gained from watching others try and succeed (or fail). Sometimes, most of the time, the words are simple.

That’s because the power lies in the experience. 💡

You could read a hundred self help books and think the authors are all full of it because they are basically saying the same thing. If so, you’re missing the point.

You could spend a lifetime wondering why no one is giving you your dream job because you’re pretty sure you asked that one time. If so, you’re missing the point.

It’s kind of like visiting a handmade specialty boutique with that one friend who always says things like “I could totally make this myself. Everything here is overpriced!” But, in fact, they have never made anything before in their life and they probably never will.

Don’t be that person.

Figure it out for yourself. Take your own inspired action.

And if you need support, I’m here, because I’ve been there. 💙


The truth is often beneath the surface


It takes time to build a business