Kayla McGuire

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Soft Skills are Job Skills

There are project managers out there who can run circles around me when it comes to theory or technical knowledge.

➖ My spreadsheets aren’t fancy.

➖ I don’t always use the right terminology (KPI vs. OKR, anyone?).

➖ And while I have read the PMBOK, there are some things I’m still scratching my head over.

⭐ But you know what I do amazingly well?

Things like:

✅ Listening.
✅ Following up. 
✅ Getting things done.
✅ Organizing my thoughts.
✅ Helping the team stay focused. 
✅ Building a culture of safety and trust. 
✅ Coming up with possibilities, solutions. 
✅ Lightening the mood when it’s appropriate.
✅ Respecting the time, effort, and space of others.
✅ And pretty much anything related to feelings. I’m here for that.

I want to remind you that these are skills too.

And even though they can’t easily be measured on a test, they are important to your success.

Don't underestimate yourself 💫

Where do you excel?