Kayla McGuire

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Neglecting Project Management

Neglecting project management in your business is a great way to crash and burn.

Unfortunately, missing the most basic fundamentals is pretty commonplace, and possibly a major contributor to overall business failure rates.

Here are some examples that might resonate with you:

>> Instead of getting clear about expectations, a new idea is pursued every other day in the name of being "creative", "flexible", and "iterative."

>> Instead of sticking to a budget (much less creating one in the first place), all expenses are approved because everything is a priority and "we'll just raise more money."

>> Instead of taking the time to break down work and get strategic about how it's tackled, workdays are a free for all, resulting in lots of busyness but not much progress toward actual real things.

If this sounds familiar and you're ready for a change, I'm here to help. 👋