Face Your Fears to Achieve Your Dreams

I’m nearly 40 years old, but the first time I hit the post button on LinkedIn I was taken right back to high school.

I was so worried about what other people might think.

➡ I was worried strangers might think I’m full of myself. 

➡ I was worried a troll might say something mean to me.

➡ I was worried my words might unintentionally offend someone.

➡ I was worried former coworkers might look at my posts and say “who does she think she is?”

After the first couple of weeks, the anxiety went away, and now it’s easier.

I still have limiting thoughts here and there, but they no longer rule my mind.

Even if someone doesn’t like what I have to say, I’m strong enough in my own sense of self to brush it off and keep doing the work that matters. 💪🏻

Maybe you aren’t on a LinkedIn journey like me, but I imagine there’s some aspect of your life where you are holding back, afraid to rock the boat.

Maybe it’s sharing your ideas at work.

Or reaching out to someone for mentorship and support.

Or pivoting to a new career.

Or going on that adventure you’ve been dreaming about since forever.

Whatever it may be, remember this:

⭐ You will never know unless you try.

Give it a shot, see what happens. You will probably surprise yourself!

❓ What brave thing do you want to do?


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