Are You a Project Manager?

You are a project manager when you manage projects.

This means:

✅ You can be a project manager with a PMP.

✅ And you can also be a project manager without a PMP.

✅ You can even be a project manager when your title isn’t “Project Manager.”

“Wait, is Kayla telling us we shouldn’t get certifications?”

No, I’m not.

I’m simply saying your project management experience doesn’t have to wait for a certification.

Now, naturally, if you are trying to get into an industry or organization that has certification as a strict requirement, then that particular experience may need to wait.

But there are plenty of ways to gain project experience before that moment.

There is no single right way to do this project management thing. 

💡 My advice will always be to figure out what you want and start taking steps to get there.

If something doesn’t work, try a different approach.

Appreciate your journey and don’t get too lost in the noise out there. 💫


Boundaries in Project Management


Do This Before Pivoting to Project Management