Kayla McGuire

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Cross Functional Startup Project Management

I’ve mentioned before that as a Startup Project Manager, you will likely be the most cross functional team member that has ever existed! This is because at the core you are a communication facilitator between departments that are typically made up of people with very different personalities and ways of working. You will be required to switch back and forth between these mindsets quickly and often throughout the course of a typical day. This is part skill, part personality, and not something everyone is suited for.

Think for a moment about a team of engineers. There is a certain way engineers must think about solving problems in order to be successful, and many times you will find very methodical and analytical types in these positions. Add in a group of client representatives and sales people, plus a few startup founders and executives, and you have quite an interesting blend of folks. Who will bridge the gap? Often, this person is the project manager.

I’ve found the most successful people in these positions have a true love for their work and their teams, and a thirst for knowledge. A startup project manager who “just doesn’t get” developers, or is constantly annoyed by the requests of the client team will not thrive. Neither will one who is set in their ways and not open to new ideas. Great project managers must be able to relate to all people in the organization, and learn to communicate with each of them effectively and with an open mind. This is the greatest skill for anyone in a facilitation position.

I can honestly say that I love working with developers just as much as I do with client reps, sales teams, and executives. There’s something to be learned from all of these groups and I am beyond appreciative for those who took the time out to teach and empower me.