A reminder for both of us
Reminder that who you are right now, in this moment, is absolutely perfect.
...I'm reminding you because I also need to remind myself.
Like many of you, I’ve struggled with the false belief that life is about being the best, having the most, or looking a certain way.
I’ve struggled with thinking I’m a failure because my marriage didn’t work out or because I was fired or even because I overcooked the Thanksgiving turkey.
And I’ve deeply struggled with trying so hard to be what everyone else wants me to be that I lost myself in the process.
But the truth is, life isn’t about any of that surface-level stuff (and yeah, that’s all surface-level stuff).
It can be hard work to accept your past and love yourself in the present, but I'm here to tell you it’s well worth the effort.
Here’s what helps me:
⭐ Truly living one day at a time.
⭐ Letting go of false beliefs and unrealistic expectations for myself and others.
⭐ Accepting what is and moving forward into the future with inspired action and positive intent.
Most of all, remember that you are never alone. 💙
❓ What advice, mantra, or ritual helps you stay grounded and committed to your personal truth?