20 things I’ve learned after one year creating content on LinkedIn
20 things I’ve learned after one year on LinkedIn:
1) People like lists.
2) We like AI, we don’t like AI.
3) Good content educates, great content inspires.
4) “Creating” and “copying” are two different things.
5) Posting is great, but connection is built through comments. 💪
6) It took YEARS for many of the “big creators” to grow their audiences. This is a very, very long game.
7) Authenticity is about much more than sharing a photo or personal tidbit. It’s about how you express your genuine character over time. 💙
8) Never underestimate the power of showing up.
9) My content strategy may not work for you, and vice versa. Be discerning when building your personal brand.
10) Be wary of anyone who tells you there is one singular path to “success.” That’s simply not true.
11) Be wary of anyone who tells you they have figure out the algorithm. 😂
12) When you don't know what to post, it always comes back to solving problems and relating to others.
13) If you are looking for advice through a DM conversation, do yourself a favor and be specific to receive the help you seek.
14) There is a difference between confidence and arrogance. Learn to spot it.
15) When you’re starting out, hopping on “coffee chats” to network can be a great idea, but that starts to change real fast. You’ll see. 😅
16) If you are looking for a coach or mentor, find the person who is a few steps ahead of you and doing what you want to be doing.
17) Worrying about what your co-worker from 10 years ago thinks about your LI activity is a waste of time.
18) Popularity doesn’t necessarily equal revenue. There’s more to the story than impressions and engagement.
19) Fortune favors the bold: have an opinion, but learn how to voice it tactfully.
20) AI-generated comments are very obvious. Just saying 😉
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